origami papercraft polyhedra

Five Interlocking Tetrahedra

Five Interlocking Tetrahedra - Angle 1Five Interlocking Tetrahedra - Angle 3Here are a few (unfortunately low-quality shots) of a modular origami implementation of five interlocking tetrahedra. This model uses Thomas Hull’s design. The joins are a bit sloppy, but it holds together nicely.

Modular origami is quite relaxing, very much like knitting. Once you have mastered a basic pattern, you can just disengange your brain and let your hands do the work. For larger constructions, in fact, it is extremely important to have something else distracting you from what might otherwise become intolerable tedium. Then, after you’ve constructed all your modules, comes the fun part: stitching everything together into the finished shape. This design, in particular, is a bit of a brainteaser; you have to carefully puzzle out where each strut goes, under or over. The final result is satisfyingly impressive.

books miscellanea religion

A High Weirdness Update

J. R. “Bob” Dobbs It’s been eighteen years since the publication of that auxiliary tome of Subgenius sacred aesthetics, High Weirdness by Mail. It was a perfect core sample of the peculiar, and still makes for bemusing, slackful reading.

You may have looked sadly at your copy and said to yourself, “My, I sure do wish that someone would update this book for this modern era of email and those new-fangled hyperlinks.”

You, my friend, are in luck:

  • The Church of the Subgenius has made available the research of Friar Synapse as “The Return of High Weirdness by Mail.” It’s a “where are they now” of the organizations mentioned in the original book. Happily, the “where” seems to be largely Internet-accessible, so you’ll have plenty of oddness to enliven your weekend. (I just found out Factsheet 5 may publish again. Huzzah!)
  • Reverend Modemac’s High Weirdness Project wiki extends the mission of the original work into an “interactive directory of the differently-saned,” and includes a Bulldada Newsblog.  This latter often burbles up topical oddities that might be missed if you aren’t following alt.slack as closely as you should.

Remember: JHVH-1 is a space alien, and still threatens this planet!  Praise “Bob”!

books miscellanea

Casanova's Fiction: Color-Coded Hermaphroditic Dwarves from within the Hollow Earth

Giacomo Casanova in 1788, the year Icosameron was publishedOver my last few lunches I’ve been reading Hollow Earth, by David Standish. It’s a nice overview, tracing the the idea of habitable lands inside the Earth from Edmund Halley through modern fiction. I was particularly pleased by this passage on Giacomo Casanova’s Icosameron, a peculiar utopian tale published in 1788. I quote Standish’s description:

The novel recounts the experiences of a teenage brother and sister who fall into the earth’s interior through a watery abyss. There they find an inner world inhabited by many-colored hermaphroditic dwarves called Megamicres, who live in a color-coded social hierarchy with the red ones at the top of the heap. Their primary method of eating consists of sucking on each other’s breasts. They’re also nudists. Edward and Elizabeth promptly rip off their own clothes, declare themselves married, and set about propagating as fast as they can. Each year during their eighty-one year stay, Elizabeth gives birth to twins, who in turn marry at age twelve and begin having twins. Finally Ed and Liz make their way back to London, leaving behind millions of offspring. Not only do they cause a population glut down there, they screw up a previously balanced society in other ways as well, introducing gunpowder and war, among other things.

I’ve never read Casanova, but this certainly makes me want to look up a copy.

(Portrait of Casanova at age 63 by Johann Berka is courtesy of Wikipedia. The portrait is from 1788, and was used as the frontispiece of L’Icosameron.)

UPDATE: I’ve scared up a link to an online version of Icosameron (in French, I hope you don’t mind).  The interface is unconscionably dreadful; it’s a scan of the original text (all five volumes totalling more than 1,800 pages) with each page as its own PDF. Tome 1; Tome 2; Tome 3; Tome 4; Tome 5.

role-playing games

On Having a Life: Role-Playing and the Employed Adult

Cover Scan of the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Monster Manual, 1st Edition You can only cram so many things into your life, and one that has been left out of my personal solution to the time-managment knapsack problem is traditional, pen-and-paper role-playing. I was a heavy gamer since first laying hands on a first-edition Monster Manual in third grade, continuing through high-school and college: lots of GURPS and D&D, but also Ars Magica, Call of Cthulhu, and plenty of others. After I graduated, the gaming group dispersed to the winds, and since then I haven’t played more than the occasional pick-up game.

A few years ago, just before I decided to go back to grad school, I decided that it had been too long since I had gamed. Against my naturally introverted tendencies, I posted a notice in a local game shop. Within two weeks, I had a response: a few people were trying to start up a game of third-edition Dungeons and Dragons. Several of us had not played this version before, so we spent most of the first meeting reading rulebooks and taking advice from the resident munchkin on character design.

No stranger to munchkinism myself, I rolled up a dwarven ranger (with terrible ranged weapons skills), and went heavily for animal training. I purchased several war dogs out of my initial gold; I had scoped out the Dungeon Master, and figured that he wouldn’t enforce the rules on how much control I’d have over the dogs’ actions.

At the second meeting, the game is finally underway. We start off outside a town . . . and no one wants to go in. The DM is peeved, as this means he can’t get his planned adventure hook into our characters. I’ll spare you the details, but two hours later we have a mission, and are off into the woods. At last, some action! The DM calls for an ability check; six dice rolls, and nobody manages to detect the goblins lurking in the trees. The ambush begins with a painful peppering of arrows. We then fight the goblins for the next four bloody hours of real time, including a break to go to the local market for munchies.

It’s now six hours since the gaming session started. One our our characters has died, the rest are badly wounded, one of my dogs is dead, and I’ve spent hours of my life contending with what is essentially a random encounter. What was it I missed about role-playing, exactly? Needless to say, that game was not compelling enough to bring me back for session after session.

Since leaving college, I no longer have endless swaths of “hang-out” time. I have a life, and a house, and a spouse, and work, and then grad school on top, along with a slew of interests that I’m trying to pursue. I could manage gaming if it were my only hobby . . . but eight hours of aimless sitting around rolling dice to kill a few tactically uninteresting goblins just doesn’t cut it anymore.

There’s a great article from Pyramid Online, published November 17, 2000, “How to Keep Gaming after Adulthood: or, Everything I Needed to Know about GMing I Learned from Watching Television.” (Pyramid subscription required to access the article. There are a few discussions about it various places about the net.) The author, David Dickerson, makes exactly this point: busy people need a different kind of game.

The article makes a number of suggestions for playing RPGs with adults:

Keep things contained. Don’t try to run a game with too many players. Don’t aim for grand epics; episodic or one-shot stories are easier to sustain. More than three or four hours for a gaming session is probably too much.
Stay flexible. When planning an adventure, make sure it the game can proceed if someone can’t make it. Avoid games with complex rulesets; keep things fast and loose. Focus on the action.

Use TV as a model. Genre TV shows have an ideal structure for this sort of game. Have an A-plot (usually violence) and a B-plot (perhaps sex). Make sure every character has a chance to experience some sort of conflict or challenge, tailored to their personal gaming style. Establish a pattern for the game for a few sessions, an then violate the players expectations. Make the fight scenes different and dramatic: go beyond the goblin-slaying dice-fest. Design a big, set-piece combat with a twist.

Keep players involved outside the game. Set up an email discussion list or web site to handle less-exciting stuff (such as dishing out experience) . Send out news and rumors of events in the game world.

Try this rough mixture for a session: One NPC encounter; one short combat; one major, set-piece combat. Allow time for discussion and making plans.

Have I tried this? Nope. I am likely to remained isolated from gaming for the forseeable future. Still, I enjoy reading RPG rulebooks, browsing in game stores, and reading about new game designs on The Forge. I’m keeping my hand in. Someday, this adult shall game again.

(Monster Manual cover scan is courtesy of Wikipedia.)

conspiracy freemasonry illuminati

The Sacred Architecture of Canada

Manitoba State Legislature Building Ah, Winnipeg, home of the Manitoba Legislature (and, apparently, a number of well-funded Masons).

While Wikipedia has a perfectly bland overview of the the Legislature building, it fails to capture the many occult correspondences that have been cataloged by more enterprising researchers. CTV, for example, interviews a Mr. Frank Albo. We can trust him. After all, he assures us that “My academic career hinges on this, so I’ve been careful to make sure I’m not inventing things.” Thus, the fact that the day that the building was first opened to the public (July 15, 1920) saw a conjunction of Venus and Mercury is a matter for comment. The governor’s reception room mirrors the dimensions of the Holy of Holies. And so on, though the full list remains less extensive than those compiled for the Great Pyramid.

More of Albo’s correspondences can be found at the site of the Societas Rosicruciana in Canada. In Canada, you ask? Remember, the true Rosicrucians are never where you expect to find them.

What shall we conclude? Henry Makow (who has a Ph.D and invented Scruples, so we can trust him, too) tells us quite sincerely:

When the Free Press series ran in November, there was a lot of interest from Manitobans but few no objections. No people seemed to mind that a public institution representing freedom and prosperity for Manitobans was taken over by an occult society for its own bizarre purpose, at taxpayers expense . . . We live in a world where a large segment of the leadership class has sold itself, if not to Satan, to people who worship Satan. identifies that guiding architectural hand as that of Our Illuminati Puppetmasters:

One doesn’t have to be a researcher to see the obvious repeated 13s: 13 steps, 13 lightbulbs and “a number of other instances where 13 were used in construction,” or to see other occult symbolism in this building or in any of the other public buildlings and places where the Illuminati have hidden their secret language in plain view.

I proffer my own conclusion (available to anyone who has read Foucault’s Pendulum): if you learn enough numerology, your life will never be boring.

(Photo of the interior of the Manitoba Legislature Building courtesy of shadesofgrey516.)

role-playing games

The New Role-Playing

Gold-Plated Dwarven Stones Dice.  Woo! If you don’t know game designer and writer on things conspiratorial and alternately historical Ken Hite, you’re missing out. His exuberantly polysociative Suppressed Transmission column is what keeps me subscribed to Pyramid (the Steve Jackson Games online ‘zine). Sixty-eight of the ST columns have been anthologized into Suppressed Transmission and Suppressed Transmission 2, both of which are lovingly annotated and bibliographied with all varieties of high-quality weirdness. (There’s a sample column available, if you’re not willing to pony up without seeing the goods.)

Hite’s other, more conventional column, “Out of the Box“, is freely readable at In the most recent (January 25, 2007) edition, he announces the “Out of the Box Awards” (a.k.a, the “Outies”) for 2006. The list is a mouth-watering assortment of new gaming goodness, and it really makes me wish I had the time for role-playing. Over the past few years there has been an explosion of small and indie RPGs, some indifferent, some superb.

There’s good stuff going on at indie game design site the Forge . . . this isn’t the D&D you played in college. There’s experimentation with every aspect of play, concept, and mechanics. If you’re interested in some vicarious views into new indie (and some mainstream) RPGs, check out the Actual Play forums.

Anybody up for some Dogs in the Vineyard?


The Pack Goat

North American Pack Goat AssociationI haven’t been camping in years, but it’s great to get out in the woods. Once I finally have a bit more time, I hope to engage in a more active lifestyle. Unfortunately, I’ve been having back problems, so loading myself down with fifty pounds of gear would not be the brightest thing to do. The solution to this problem is clear: the pack goat.

Goats are good people: they’re intelligent and (typically) quite friendly, and I certainly wouldn’t mind having one along with me on a trip.

There are quite a few places where you can actually rent trained pack goats. Some (such as Escape Goats in Utah) provide the services of a goat wrangler. If you get really serious, you can even join the North American Pack Goat Association.

There’s a lot of information out there, both on training the goats and the mechanics of actually packing with them. I’ll have to check the zoning. I wonder how strongly the borough would object if I tried keeping a goat in my backyard?


Twenty-five Years of Little, Big

Cover of the first edition of Little, Big (Bantam, 1981)I recall an afternoon from the time when I was living in Ann Arbor, in that dank basement apartment with the teddy-bear-skin carpeting. Victoria and I were having a conversation about favorite books. I held that trying select a single, favorite book was a futile task. Her position was that her favorite book was Little, Big. When I expressed surprise that she was able to make a choice just like that, she told me that Little, Big was a very good book, and had as good a claim as any other for the title of ‘favorite’.

I certainly can’t disagree with that logic, for it is a very good book indeed. It pulls together a wonderful assortment of ideas and influences, from the Art of Memory and Sylvie and Bruno, to Thornton Burgess and Shakespeare, to theosophy, an alternate Tarot, and Frederick Barbarossa as President. I was a bit impatient with the book during my first reading, but I began to understand and appreciate it more with the second and third, and it entered my own circle of favorites It’s been a few years, and it’s probably about time to pull it down from the shelf and travel again to Edgewood and The City.

I dearly wish that I had $100 lying around that I could in good conscience put toward the purchase of the new twenty-fifth anniversary edition of Little, Big. It’s being published by Incunabula and printed by the Stinehour Press. The edition is to be illustrated using details from the prints of Peter Milton. I wasn’t familiar with his work previously, but it looks to be an excellent match to the mood of Crowley’s story.

If you haven’t read it before, I recommend it highly. Be warned, though: it’s not for everyone. The pace is slow, and the fantastic elements are usually hidden, winking from behind the curtains.

The farther in you go, the bigger it gets . . .


Lewis Carroll, Sylvie, and Feet of Clay

The Beaver kept looking the opposite way / And appeared unaccountably shy. I have loved Alice for as long as I can remember. I don’t know how many times I borrowed The Annotated Alice from the public library when I was in grade school; I read it so many times that I knew Gardner’s humorous, thoughtful commentary nearly as well as the text. (His multi-page, ramified analysis of “Jabberwocky” is particularly fine).

One of the best Christmas gifts I ever received, even better than the Lego Galaxy Explorer, was my own copy of AA. Even now, it sits on a bookshelf with the rest of my Carroll collection, between the lesser-known More Annotated Alice and a not-particularly-complete, leatherbound Complete Works of Lewis Carroll. Despite its sentimental value, its place on my bedside bookshelf has been supplanted by the magnificently-produced Definitive Edition. When arriving home late, the clock approaching midnight, I’ll often read a chapter or two after climbing into bed.

My mother, mercifully, did not approve of Disney movies. My first encounter with the horrible, horrible thing that those bowdlerizing bastards did to poor Alice was a Disneyized picture book at my cousins’ house. I recall well that surge of shock and contemptuous, righteous wrath at the inane perversion of a wonderful story.

But back to Carroll: the library also had a copy of the Complete Works, which I explored as I grew older. I was quite interested in the handwritten manuscript of the original Alice’s Adventures Underground, but the rest seemed thin and unappealing. I tried Sylvie and Bruno several times, but it was distressingly boring, and I felt strongly that Carroll shouldn’t be boring. The one redeeming feature was the recurring Gardener’s Song, stanzas of which are woven through the text.

He thought he saw an Argument
That proved he was the Pope:
He looked again, and found it was
A Bar of Mottled Soap.
‘A fact so dread,’ he faintly said,
‘Extinguishes all hope!’

This year, I determined to read all the Carroll in my collection, and it’s been quite an interesting experience. The poetry is largely dreadful, with occasional flashes of wit. Wonderland and Looking Glass retain their depth, whimsy, and charm, and Snark is as superb a piece of meaningful nonsense as has ever been written in English.

He had bought a large map representing the sea,
Without the least vestige of land:
And the crew were much pleased when they found it to be
A map they could all understand

“What’s the good of Mercator’s North Poles and Equators,
Tropics, Zones, and Meridian Lines?”
So the Bellman would cry: and the crew would reply
“They are merely conventional signs!

“Other maps are such shapes, with their islands and capes!
But we’ve got our brave Captain to thank”
(So the crew would protest) “that he’s bought us the best-
A perfect and absolute blank!”

The piece I have found most affecting, though, is Sylvie and Bruno.

It’s awful.


I wanted to like it . . . but it’s a horrible conglomerate of cloying sentimentality; Carroll’s idosyncratic, obtuse, Christianish moralism; and miserable poetastery. What little story exists is tedious and poorly plotted, and the “Tottles” poem is almost physically painful to read. The least unpleasant aspect of the books is the Victorian conversations, which at least have some elements of interest.

If Alice is a fairy-tale for everyone, Sylvie and Bruno is a fairy-tale for Lewis Carroll.

Carroll’s prefaces to Sylvie and Bruno and Sylvie and Bruno Concluded only compound the distasteful impressions: above, I compared Disney to Dr. Bowdler, but Carroll actually proposes bowdlerizing Bowdler!

. . . A “Shakespeare” for girls: that is, an edition in which everything, not suitable for the perusal of girls of (say) from 10 to 17, should be omitted . . . Neither Bowdler’s, Chambers’s, Brandram’s, nor Cundell’s ‘Boudoir” Sharespeare, seems to me to meet the want: they are not sufficiently ‘expurgated.’ Bowdler’s is the most extraordinary of all: looking through it, I am filled with a deep sense of winder, considering what he has left in, that he should have cut anything out!

Alice is timeless, despite all her references to Victorian culture; Sylvie and Bruno come through as the fantasies of a particular, not very happy man who is very much clamped by the mental shackles of his own time.

I’m not sorry to have read it, but Carroll’s infatuation with Sylvie and his loving portrayal of the unpleasant Bruno have left a bad taste behind. Perhaps in a few years I will give it another try. For the moment, though, I’d rather re-read Little, Big; John Crowley uses S&B as one of many threads in his weft, and I’m curious to see what new facets might be revealed upon a new reading.


History and Commuting

I spend about eight hours a week commuting, between work and school. Many people drive more than that, but I’ll certainly say that this is more than enough for me. Listening to the radio is not a good solution for me . . . the news is both shallow and rage-provoking, while music stations provide little control and incessant commercials.

Audiobooks (and to a lesser extent, podcasts) have been a great boon over the last few years. My local library system has an extensive selection of unabridged books on tape, and I’ve dipped deeply into their selection.

First words of advice: don’t go for the abridged versions. I once made the mistake of listening to one of these travesties for a book I knew quite well: it was butchery. The resulting text lacked any depth or subtlety . . . not only paragraphs, but also portions of sentences were removed!

I’ve had the best luck with non-fiction, particularly history. It’s easy to engage with the narrative for a half-hour or an hour, and it sets a thoughtful tone for the day. It’s great not to dread traffic jams . . . no matter how bad the congestion becomes, the drive remains a mental oasis in a sometimes stressful day.