Categories books languages Harrius Potter et Philosophi Lapis Post author By paul Post date March 5, 2010 1 Comment on Harrius Potter et Philosophi Lapis vd8j9ro3p6 Tags children's literature, harry potter, latin ← Skulking toward normalcy → Trying out MPH #12: Overcome the Tip-of-the-Tongue Effect One reply on “Harrius Potter et Philosophi Lapis” This is encouraging – I have just orgered a copy for myself, i only have 6 months of latin under my belt, and that was more than a decade ago. I am hoping this will kickstart my brain and get me back into languages again. Cheers
This is encouraging – I have just orgered a copy for myself, i only have 6 months of latin under my belt, and that was more than a decade ago. I am hoping this will kickstart my brain and get me back into languages again. Cheers
One reply on “Harrius Potter et Philosophi Lapis”
This is encouraging – I have just orgered a copy for myself, i only have 6 months of latin under my belt, and that was more than a decade ago. I am hoping this will kickstart my brain and get me back into languages again.